Dehumidifier Features
Frost Control
Removing Collected
Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3
The FrostContro! feature prevents frost or ice from remaining on the dehumidifying
coil for an extended period of time, When frost formation occurs, this control turns
off the compressor, The fan continues to run, causing any frost or ice to melt,,
Dehumidifier will then resume normal operation
Frost Control is also designed to prevent excessive on-off cycling Under certain
conditions this may allow frost to remain on coil for some time before the
compressor turns off and the frost iscleared
Bucket and Float Installation
All models are supplied with a bucket, which is conveniently tucked into the front
of the unit to accumulate water removed from the air, or use the built-in hose
connection to carry water directly to a drain.
VVhen using the bucket the Automatic Shut-Off switch is activated by a float The
Automatic Shut-Off switch stops the unit before the bucket overflows, and turns
the unit on again after the bucket isemptied and replaced
The bucket and float must be installed correctly for proper operation (Figure I)
Bucket Cleaning Instruction
Periodic cleaning with a mild detergent and water will prevent the growth of mold,
mi!dew and bacteria,
Remove bucket as shown in Figure 2
Direct Draining
If you want the water to flow directly to a drain, you must first remove the hose cap
(Figure 2) To remove hose cap, use a standard screwdriver and turn counter-
clockwise Connect any standard garden hose to the bucket connection, or
place the dehumidifier over the drain A standard garden hose has a 3/4"
(t9 ram) diameter connection with 11'ΒΌ2 threads per inch
Note: When using either of the above direct draining methods, you must first drill
a 3/8" (I 0 mm) hole in the center of the bucket connection. (For easeof drilling use
locating mark to center drill bit for hole (Figure 3)) This will allow water to flow
freely through the connection To resea! the hose connection to the bucket, use any
standard hose end cap The hose cap cannot be used to reseal the hole.
Figure 4
Do not drink
the water
collected in
the bucket.