• Install the dehumidifieron a level floor strongenough to
supportthe unitwith a fullbucket ol water.
• For best performance,allow at least 12-18 inchesof air
space on all sides of the unit for good air circulation.
• Keep all outside doom,windows, and other openingsdosed
when operating the dehumidifier.Humidoutdoorair will add
to the unit'swork load.
• Installyour dehumidifierin an area where the temperature
will not fall below 65°F (18°C). Attemperatures below this,
the coils can become covered with frost, which may reduce
When the defrost controlsenses frost build-upon the
evaporator coil, it willautomaticallyshut off the compressor.
The fan will continueto run to draw air acrossthe coil and
melt the frost. When the coil is defrosted, the compressorwill
automatica_y restart and dehumidifyingresume.
The defrost feature in the 580.53701 model will
cominuously ¢ycte up to temperatwe ol 4S°F (S°C).
• Use the dehumid'd"mrin a basement to help
prevent moisture damage.
o Use the dehumidifier in cooking, laundry,
bathing, and dishwashing areas that have
excessive moisture.
o Use the dehumidifier to prevent moisture
damage anywhere books or valuables are
When the bucket isfull, or when the bucket is not in the proper position,the Bucket Fulllighttums on
and the unit automatically shutsoff.
Also, when bucket is out of position,the unit will bsep 3 times.
The bucket must be replaced in the proper position for tho dehumldffier to work. The light will
be on and the dehumidifier will not run if the bucket Is not in the proper po61tion.