
Voice Announcement Language
1 Enter Menu mode and access Menu 004 (ANN.LNG) {page 20}.
2 Set the language to ENG (English) or JPN (Japanese).
Voice Announcement Volume
1 Enter Menu mode and access Menu 005 (ANN.VOL) {page 20}.
2 Set the announcement volume level from 1 to 7.
To turn the volume OFF, turn the announcement function OFF.
Voice Announcement Speed
1 Enter Menu mode and access Menu 006 (ANN.SPD) {page 20}.
2 Set the announcement speed level from 0 to 4.
The speed settings are as follows:
0: 0.85 times normal speed
1: Normal speed
2: 1.15 times normal speed
3: 1.30 times normal speed
4: 1.45 times normal speed