
Console Information
played on top of the console LCD screen). Press MODE button to confirm selection. Use the +/- buttons until desired program is blinking (P1-P12)
or simply press the quick key program selection. Press MODE button to confirm selection. The console will now allow user to select the level of
workout (shown as bar level with adjacent number 1-10) by using the +/- buttons until the desired level is selected. Press MODE button to confirm
selection. Time will flash in the display. Use the +/- buttons to set desired time. Press MODE to confirm selection. Repeat steps for distance, calo-
ries, and pulse. Press START/STOP to begin exercising at any time. You can change the level at any time during your workout session by pressing
the +/- buttons.
The watt program allows the user to set a target watt value. The unit will then keep this watt level constant. This means that if you exercise quickly
the tension will decrease. If you exercise slowly the tension will increase to maintain the watt value entered. After selecting user profile, use the Up
(+) or Down (-) buttons until the word WATT is blinking on top of the console LCD screen. Press mode to confirm selection. Adjust the watt value by
pressing the +/- buttons and press mode to confirm. Repeat steps for time, distance, calories, and pulse. Press START/STOP to begin exercising
at any time.
To switch console from ML (Miles per hour) to KM (Kilometers per hour). First, press reset. Next, press both the Mode and Reset buttons at the
same time and hold for 2 seconds. The console will beep and will display the new setting (ML for Standard and KM for Metric).
To obtain the greatest cardiovascular benefits from your exercise workout, it is important to work within your target heart rate zone. The American
Heart Association (AHA) defines this target as 60%-75% percent of your maximum heart rate. Your maximum heart rate may be roughly calculated
by subtracting your age from 220. Your maximum heart rate and aerobic capacity naturally decreases as you age. This may vary from one person
to another, but use this number to find your approximate effective target zone. For example, the maximum heart rate for an average 40 year-old is
180 bpm. The target heart rate zone is 60%-75% of 180 or 108-135 bpm. See Fitness Safety on next page.
Before beginning your workout, check your normal resting heart rate. Place your fingers lightly against your neck, or against your wrist over the
main artery. After finding your pulse, count the number of beats in 10 seconds. Multiply the number of beats by six to determine your pulse rate per
minute. We recommend taking your heart rate at these times; at rest, after warming up, during your workout and two minutes into your cool down,
to accurately track your progress as it relates to better fitness. During your first several months of exercising, the AHA recommends aiming for the
lower part of the target heart rate zone-60%, then gradually progressing up to 75%.
According to the AHA, exercising above 75% of your maximum heart rate may be too strenuous unless you are in top physical condition. Exercis-
ing below 60% of your maximum will result in minimal cardiovascular conditioning. Check your pulse recovery rate – If your pulse is over 100 bpm
five minutes after you stop exercising, or if it’s higher than normal the morning after exercising, your exertion may have been too strenuous for your
current fitness level. Rest and reduce the intensity next time.