
To ensure that you get the maximum benefit from the engineering that has gone into your machine, we recommend
that you read this manual carefully before attempting to assemble and use the T240–T260. Save these instructions and refer
to this manual if you are unfamiliar with operation of the T240–T260.
WARNING – Before attempting to use any of this equipment you should read this instruction manual carefully. Use of
this equipment by persons with heart or other medical problems may result in serious injury. You should consult with a
physician prior to using this equipment. It is recommended to periodically consult your physician as you continue to use this
equipment. Immediately cease exercise if you feel dizzy, faint or short of breath. Use of this equipment in a manner other
than as prescribed by the instructions herewith may result in serious injury.
AVERTISSEMENT – Une lecture attentive de ce manuel d’instructions est recommandée avant de commencer à utiliser cet
appareil. Son utilisation peut provoquer des blessures sérieuses chez les personnes souffrant de troubles cardiaques ou
autres problèmes médicaux. Il est recommandé à ces personnes de consulter leur médecin avant d’utiliser cet appareil. Il est
aussi recommandé de consulter régulièrement le médecin au cours de la période d’entraînement. Si vous êtes pris de
vertiges ou d’étourdissements, si vous vous sentez défaillir ou avez le souffle court, cessez immédiatement l’exercice.
L’utilisation de cet appareil d’une manière inadéquate ou autre à celle décrite dans ce manuel d’instructions peut entraîner
des blessures sérieuses.
For Your Personal Safety
Do not place towels or clothing on any part of the treadmill.
Do not place liquids near the computer console, electrical power plug, ON/OFF switch or any part of the treadmill.
Before attempting to disconnect the power, exit the program screen, then turn power OFF. To reduce any risks of electrical
shock, do not pull the power cord from the cable. Gently remove the power cable by the head from the wall outlet.
Do not operate the treadmill if the power cord is damaged or if the treadmill is not working correctly. If the power cord
is damaged, please contact your distributor or manufacturer to get it replaced. The rating of the new power cord must be
15 amps (125 volts AC).
For the International version of the T240–T260, note that the power cord to be used for replacement must be rated 10 Amps
(250 Volts AC) and must be 2.5 meters (or 8 feet) long minimum.
Keep the power cord away from all moving parts of the treadmill, such as the elevation arm assembly and front transport wheels.
Do not use an extension cord that is not properly grounded. Keep all extension cords clear of all moving parts of the treadmill.
Place the equipment in a way that the power can be easily interrupted by pulling the power cord.
Do not allow children near the treadmill when in operation. Do not allow children unsupervised near the treadmill and keep
the safety key in a safe place away from children.
Wear proper exercise footwear when using the treadmill. Do not use the treadmill in bare feet or in socks. It is normal for
the treadmill belt to discharge soil or rocks that are on the sole of your shoes. It is always good practice to clean the soles
of your shoes before using the treadmill.
Never use the treadmill with more than one person on the belt.
Never try accelerate or decelerate the speed of the running belt by pushing on or trying to stop it, with power or not.
Always face towards the computer display and do not run backwards on the belt.
The treadmill should not be boxed in with other furniture or obstacles. Keep the rear and side of the treadmill clear of any
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Important Safety Notice