
SoloX Subwoofer
SoloX Limited Warranty
Ok, you have read all the fine print on the previous page describing the warran-
ty on a Solo X Subwoofer, (enough there to make even Judge Judy happy) but
what does it all mean? Well, let's just lay it all out in as simple of terms as possi-
The Solo X is a high performance machine that is built to take gobs of power,
play extremely loud and create enough low bass to rattle the fillings out of your
friend's teeth who lives in the next county. It is built using the finest materials
and highest degree of workmanship we have available. It is the NASCAR of sub-
woofers…designed to be driven hard into all four corners…and we are sure you
will drive it just that way!
With all that being said…we know some of you will still be able to break this
product…it is a plain and simple fact. When you build an extreme product to be
used by extreme people these people can and will find the breaking point…just
like Tony Stewart snapping a rod in a motor.
That is why we designed the Solo X to have a permanently mounted BAM
(Basket And Motor) assembly with a replaceable soft parts assembly, the SPAIR
(Simple Pull Apart Insertable Replacement), so that when you find the breaking
point (and if you can still hear or feel) you can re-build it on the spot. If you
read the big poster that came with your woofer (you did…right?) you know
Sam & Sid told you this thing weighs more than a Mini Cooper (well…really it
weighs in at near 100 pounds). The BAM which is about 90% of the weight in a
Solo X stays mounted in your enclosure AND in your car; you simply exchange
the much lighter SPAIR. This saves you all the fun of wrestling with the entire
Solo X and the ENORMOUS costs of shipping a 100 pound woofer to Stillwater,
The SPAIR and all the parts contained within it are not warranted for:
¾ Burnt, Shucked, Bent, Unraveled or Open Voice Coils.
¾ Torn, Ripped or Punctured Surrounds.
¾ Torn, Ripped or Punctured Cones.
¾ Torn, Ripped or Punctured Spiders.
¾ Burnt or Frayed Tinsel Leads.
We also do not warranty the SPAIR for:
¾ Wear and Tear under normal use.
¾ Product damaged due to abuse.
¾ Damage to Vehicle and/or other components of the sound system.
¾ Scattered, Smothered, Covered and Chunked units.
The SPAIR and BAM are not covered under warranty for any damage due to
shipping or improper packaging.
So what will KICKER cover under warranty?
¾ Poor or misaligned glue joints.
¾ Poor or misaligned parts.
¾ Material, Machining or Assembly flaws with the BAM.
So in a nut-shell if and when you break it (which takes A LOT) you simply return
the soft parts assembly (the SPAIR) to your local dealer and purchase another
SPAIR. If there is a problem with the SPAIR and you feel it should be covered
under warranty, you will need to obtain an RMA from KICKER before sending it
back. If only the SPAIR is defective, there is no need to send the entire structure
back to KICKER. Refer to SHOULD YOU NEED SERVICE on the previous page
for the details.
Special Note: OK that all sounds pretty black and white but we are KICKER and
we know stuff happens. If your Solo X stops working and after pulling the SPAIR
you find a failure other than that mentioned above that you feel is a manufac-
turing defect or poor workmanship you may call Stillwater Designs (KICKER) for
a RMA (Return Merchandise Authorization). You will then have to wrestle the big
unit, meaning the Solo X Subwoofer, (BAM and SPAIR both) and pack them in
the original shipping container that you got at the time of purchase. You MUST
use the original packing to protect the unit during shipping!!! You will be
responsible for the freight charges.
After receiving your Solo X and examining it, one of three things will happen.
¾ If a problem is found that is indeed covered under warranty, we will
repair the unit and return it to you at no additional charge.
¾ If no problem is found we will return the unit to you and you will be
responsible for the freight charge.
¾ If a problem is found that is not covered under the warranty as
described in the warranty statements, you will be charged for the
cost of the repair and freight charge to return the unit to you.