The Golden Crema
A mark of fine espresso is crema, the dense golden foam of
emulsified coffee oils that captures the essence of coffee flavor.
Good crema should be thick and cling to the side of the cup when
it’s tilted; the best crema should be able to support a sprinkling of
sugar for nearly 30 seconds.
Troubleshooting Espresso As It Brews
As it pours, if your espresso…
…has more of a cinnamon color, instead of being deep brown:
• make sure your brew group and boilers are fully heated
• use a less acidic blend of coffee
…is whitish with thin brown streaks:
• review your tamping technique – the tamped coffee has
fractured, or a gap has developed between the coffee and the
side of the filter basket
…is thin and fast-flowing:
• review your tamping technique – the tamp may not be firm
enough to provide an even resistance to the brew water
• use a finer grind
• check coffee freshness
…barely dribbles out the portafilter:
• review your tamping technique – the tamp could be too firm
• use a coarser grind