
For multiple speaker purchases, please fill out only one warranty card.
Street Address:
Home Phone:
Work Phone:
E-mail Address:
Would you like to receive the latest product updates and news via e-mail?
Yes No
Model: 2.1 System
Where did you purchase your Klipsch products from?
Retail Store On-line at www.klipsch.com Computer Manufacturer
How did you hear about Klipsch?
Audio/Home Theater Magazine Other Magazine TV Radio Newspaper
Trade Show Friend Retail Dealer Direct Mail
Have you purchased Klipsch products before?
Ye s No
If yes, what products?
Product Name(s):
When do you hope to purchase additional loudspeakers? 6 mos. – 1 yr. 1–2 yrs.
How likely are you to consider Klipsch products for your upcoming purchases?
Very likely Somewhat likely Doubtful
If doubtful, why?
Don’t carry product I’m looking for Too expensive Klipsch dealer too far away
Please tell us about you!
Married Single Student Male Female
15-17 18-24 25-35 36-45 46-55 55-64 65+
Annual Household Income:
Under $25,000 $25-35,000 $35-50,000 $50-75,000 $75-100,000 $100,000+
Cut along dotted line and mail.