it convenient to make the distance from the listening position to the line between the speakers
s o m e w h at larger or smaller,but try to keep it centered, so that you are at ap p r o x i m at e ly the same
distance from each speaker.T h at will yield the best stereo imag e .Angling widely spread speakers
in slightly toward the listening position can help maintain a good stereo imag e .
Stereo Setup for Wide Coverage - If you are primarily interested in being able to hear the sound
well from any position in the room rather than from a particular seating area,you may prefer to
move the speakers far apart along adjoining walls,creating a big “L.”This will not provide a very
good stereo image,but it will give spacious,well-balanced sound with good coverage.
Home Theater System - Figure 3 shows a typical home theater speaker setup,with a pair of
floorstanding speakers at the front left and right,a horizontal center-channel speaker between
them,and a pair of surround speakers on the side walls.The basic strategy for placing the front
left and right speakers is similar to the one described above for a two-channel stereo system,
but anchored by the video screen.Ideally, the front left and right speakers should be approxi-
mately in line with the screen and equidistant from it.Unless your video screen is very large,you
may prefer less spread between the left and right speakers than in a dedicated stereo music
system.This may better associate the size of the sonic image with the video image.
Note: Proper connection of your speakers to your amplifier or receiver is vital to obtaining good
sound quality. Please follow these directions carefully.Sloppy connections can cause amplifier
malfunction or damage.
Klipsch Reference Series speakers are wired internally with Bandwidth Balanced
Cable.Bandwidth Balanced technology employs multiple gauges of high-purity copper wire,
carefully selected and wound to ensure optimum signal transfer at all frequencies.You will
obtain best performance from your speakers if you connect them to your amplifier or receiver
with Monster Cable or similar quality wire available from your dealer.We recommend that you
use 16-gauge or heavier stranded copper wire.Use a lower gauge (heavier) wire for longer runs
to reduce the amount of amplifier power lost due to the wire’s resistance.
On the back of each speaker are two sets of binding posts, one feeding the tweeter and the other
the woofers.For conventional wiring, these sets are connected together with gold-plated metal
s t r ap s ,which must be removed for bi-wiring or biamping.We will explain ordinary single-wiring
first and then the alternat i v e s .All the info r m ation regarding single-wiring also applies to bi-wiring.
Bare wire. Pull the two conductors apart for about an inch and strip approximately 1/4-inch of
insulation from the end of each.(A wire stripper will simplify this,but you can use an ordinary
pocket knife to cut around and through the insulation down to the wire.) Twist the strands of
wire on each individual conductor tightly together.Loosen the nuts on a pair of binding posts
until the holes through the metal posts are exposed,then insert the bare wire through the holes.
Screw the nuts down finger-tight on the wire. Make sure that no strands of wire are touching
from one binding post to the other or to any strands from the other conductor. Failure to observe
this precaution at either end of the connection can result in amplifier malfunction or damage.
P i n s . M a ny pre-made speaker cables are terminated with metal pins.Loosen the nuts on a pair of
binding posts until the holes through the metal posts are exposed, then insert the pins through
the holes.Screw the nuts down finger-tight on the pins — do not overtighten. Make sure that
there is no metal-to-metal contact between the two pins or binding posts. Failure to observe this
precaution at either end of the connection can result in amplifier malfunction or damage.
Spade lugs. Some speaker cables are terminated with U-shaped connectors called spade lugs.
Loosen the nuts on a pair of binding posts and slip the spade lugs around the metal posts. Screw the
nuts down finger-tight on the lugs and inspect to ensure they have remained firmly in place. M a k e
sure that there is no metal-to-metal contact between the two lugs or binding posts. Failure to observe
this precaution at either end of the connection can result in amplifier malfunction or damage.
One of the most important things about hooking up your speakers is keeping them in the same
polarity,or phase.If they are connected out of phase,bass and sound imaging will be degraded.
The easiest way to ensure that your speakers are wired in phase is to always connect the
positive and negative output terminals on your amplifier or receiver to the matching input termi-
nals on your speakers:positive (“+”,color-coded red) to positive and negative (“–”,color-coded
black) to negative.(See Figure 4.)
Figure 2
Figure 3
Figure 4