2. When you find an interesting category or book, tap to see more.
When you’ve found a book you want to add to your eReader you’re ready to go to checkout.
You can use Visa, MasterCard, store credit, or gift cards from select partners to pay for
your book. If you have a promo code (which is a sort of coupon) you can enter this during
checkout to get a discount on your book.
To buy a book:
1. Tap the Buy Now button.
2. If you have shopped with Kobo before and saved your billing information you’ll go
directly to the confirmation screen. Skip to step 7.
3. Use the keyboard to enter your billing address. This is the address associated
with your credit card. You need to provide this even if you use store credit or a
gift card to pay for your order — this address is used to ensure the correct tax is
calculated for your purchase.
4. Tap Next to continue.
5. Enter a credit card to pay for your order. If you want to use a gift card to pay for
your order you can skip this screen. If you have enough Kobo store credit to pay
for your order the credit card fields will be unavailable.
6. Tap Next to Continue.
7. When you reach the last screen you can use a gift card to pay for you order:
a. Tap Add Gift Card.
b. Select the type of gift card and enter your gift card number. If your card has a
PIN printed on the back, enter that number too.
c. Tap Apply to confirm the Gift Card number.
d. If successful, tap Done.
8. To use a promo code to get a discount on your order:
a. Tap Add Promo Code.
b. Enter your promo code.