A-61588 July 2008 3-39
Verifying your Scan
Station setup
The following steps help you to verify that your Scan Station installation
was successful and is operational.
1. Insert a blank flash drive in the Scan Station’s USB port.
When the Scan Station recognizes the flash drive, an icon is
displayed showing the flash drive with the user profile.
2. Click Save to Flash Drive.
3. Place a document into the input tray and press the green Go button.
The Destination Review screen will be displayed.
NOTE: If you enabled FAST Scanning, the Scan Station will start
automatically and the Settings Review screen will not be
displayed. Otherwise, the Scan Station will begin scanning
after 10 seconds (or you can press the green Go button
again to start scanning immediately).
As the Scan Station begins to feed and process documents, a
Status screen will be displayed. The page number and a preview
image will be displayed as each page is being scanned.