Index-4 October 2002
operator control panel
key/light descriptions, printer 3-3
key/light descriptions, processor 3-27
printer 3-2
out of paper, message 3-12
out of tolerance, attribute description C-17
overview, equipment 1-4
Pacific region helpline number 5-33
page layouts, Export Module E-11
page starts value, setting 3-20
pages waiting 3-2
end of roll 3-12
jams, clearing for the printer 5-11
jams, clearing for the processor 5-20
length, setting 3-18
loading into supply cassettes 3-7
path, printer illustration 5-3
setting slug width 3-19
supply 3-2
width 3-2
parameters, resetting for the printer 3-23
periodic maintenance
printer 4-3
processor 4-13
plumbing B-3
modem, resetting 3-16
SCSI, selecting 3-14
cords B-5
light, printer 3-3
outlets B-6
receptacles B-7
preventing algae 4-8
print options, IPS D-6
arrow keys 3-3
calibrating procedure 2-5
calibration, advanced features C-11
cancel key 3-3
clearing paper jams 5-11
daily maintenance 4-2
error light 3-3
error messages 5-4
menu 3-4
menu key 3-3
observable errors 5-12
OCP key/light descriptions 3-3
offline 3-4
on/off line key 3-3
operator control panel 3-2
overview 1-2
paper path, illustration 5-3
periodic maintenance 4-3
power light 3-3
resetting parameters 3-23
select key 3-3
setting time and date 3-17
shutting down 2-15
specifications B-1
standby light 3-3
start key 3-3
starting up 2-4
status messages 3-5
troubleshooting tips 5-16
aims, attribute description C-17
deferred or buffered jobs 3-4
images, Export Module E-5
making, MACINTOSH version 2-12
prints, borderless 3-20
processing a control strip 3-32
clearing error messages 5-19
clearing paper jams 5-20
clearing reset messages 5-19
computer, reset 3-43
daily maintenance 2-3, 4-4
defaults 3-43
drive control 3-42
error messages 5-17
maintaining 4-4
monthly maintenance 4-11
OCP key/light descriptions 3-27
OCP on/off light 3-29
operating procedures 3-26
operational checks 4-6
overview 1-3
periodic maintenance 4-13
recommended settings 4-16
shutting down 2-13
specifications B-1
speed, checking and adjusting 4-11
starting up 2-2
status messages 3-28
tanks, cleaning 4-13
testing 4-6
troubleshooting tips 5-21
weekly maintenance 4-7
processor in control, attribute description C-17
product description 1-2
punch attributes, Export Module E-10