May 2000 3-1
3 Using Easy Config
Easy Config is a program that allows you to set defaults for commonly-
used options for print jobs. Setting defaults eliminates the need for you to
set them for each print job. You can also use the options in Easy Config
to establish workflows, configure KODAK PROFESSIONAL Easy Print,
add printers, add new media, and update current media.
Note: Once you make a change it is set unless you change it back to the
original setting.
To launch the Easy Config application:
• From the WINDOWS desktop, click the Start menu, and select
Programs> Easy Print>Easy Config.
• From a MACINTOSH computer, navigate to the Easy Print folder
and double-click the Easy Config icon.
Note: Depending upon system performance, you may have to wait for
Easy Config to initialize the Graphic User Interface (GUI).
Setting the Defaults on the Easy Print Defaults Tab
You can set defaults for the following options on the Easy Print Defaults
tab of the Easy Config dialog box. Your saved settings are effective when
you exit Easy Config.
Language - Select the language in which Easy Print appears.