KODAK 305 Photo Printer
Operate the following procedures to uninstall the printer driver.
When uninstalling the printer driver, confi rm that the printer driver is not used from the application or the
print job does not remain in the spooler.
When you use the printer in Windows Vista or Windows 7, confi rm that the printer is not set as default print-
When you uninstall and then reinstall the printer driver in Windows Vista or Windows 7, restart the computer
after the reinstallation is completed.
Windows XP
1) Start up Rem305.exe in the printer driver folder.
2) After confi rming that “KODAK 305 Photo Printer” is listed in the list box, press the “Uninstall” button.
3) When uninstallation is completed, a message of “Uninstallation was completed. Is a computer re-
booted?” is displayed.
When you reboot the computer immediately, click the “Yes” button. When you reboot it later, click the
“No” button. Make sure to reboot the computer.
Windows Vista
1) Click “Start” and open “Control Panel.”
2) Select “Printers.”
3) Right-click the printer icon in “Printers” folder and select “Delete.”
4) Click “Yes” on printer delete acknowledge dialog.
5) Right-click in “Printers” folder and select “Run as Administrator.”
Click “Server Properties” then “Printer Server Properties” window is displayed.
6) Open “Drivers” tab on “Printer Server Properties” dialog and select a driver to be uninstalled from the
tab. Then, click “Remove” button.
7) Select “Remove driver and driver package.” in “Remove Driver And Package” dialog and click “OK”
8) Click “Yes” button on “Printer Server Properties” dialog.
9) If “Driver package information collected.” is displayed in “Remove Driver And Package” dialog, click
“Delete” button.
10) Select “Remove driver and driver package.”, and then click “OK” button.
11) Restart the personal computer.
Windows 7
1) Click Start button and select “Devices and Printers” from Start Menu.
2) Right-click the printer icon to be removed and select “Remove device”.
3) Click “Yes” button in the “Remove Device” confi rmation dialog.
4) While selecting any of the icon under “Printers and Faxes” category in the “Devices and Printers”
window, select “Printer server properties” at the top of the window.
5) Open “Drivers” tab of “Printer Server Properties” and click “Change From Settings” button.
6) The similar window that doesn’t have “Change From Settings” button at the bottom left is displayed.
Select the printer driver to be removed and click “Remove” button.
7) Select “Remove driver and driver package.” in “Remove Driver And Package” dialog and click “OK”.
8) Click “Yes” button in “Printer Server Properties” confi rmation dialog.
9) Click “Delete” button when “Driver package information collected” is displayed in “Remove Driver
Package” dialog.
10) Select “Remove driver and driver package.”, and then click “OK” button.
11) Restart the personal computer.