If a DPOF file is detected when you insert a memory card, the EasyShare AiO displays a message asking if
you want to print tagged images.
Bluetooth Printing
Bluetooth is a short-range radio technology that enables wireless connectivity between electronic devices.
This feature supports an optional Kodak USB Bluetooth Adapter that accepts JPEG/EXIF image file types
from the following types of Bluetooth enabled devices.
๎ Mobile camera phones
๎ PDAs
๎ Digital still cameras
You can purchase a Bluetooth Adapter directly from Kodak at www.kodak.com/go/accessories
To enable Bluetooth wireless connectivity, plug your Kodak Bluetooth Adapter into the front USB port.
NOTE: Your EasyShare AiO supports connection to only one Bluetooth device at a time and has an 8MB
file size limitation.
The recommended maximum distance between Bluetooth devices for the highest transfer speed is 10
meters or 32.81 feet. However, Bluetooth will work beyond this distance.
User-friendly Name
Your EasyShare AiO has a serial number that is used to construct name for Bluetooth printing. The default
name is Kodak5300+XXXX, where XXXX represents the last four digits if the AiO printer's serial number.
You can change this to a more user-friendly name with the AiO Home Center (See General Settings in
Chapter 2).
When a Bluetooth connection is made, no other functions are available, and the LCD display indicates
printing from Bluetooth. You control printing from your Bluetooth device.
Userโs Guide 35