March 2001 2-13
<11> LAMP_FAILURE The lamp is either burned out or its output is at a level too low for
acceptable readings. The densitometer will not read strips until the lamp is
replaced and the densitometer is re-calibrated.
<12> STRIP_RESTRAINED During calibration, the calibration strip was held or restrained as it passed
through the unit. Do not hold the strip as it is reading and make sure the
read path is clear of any foreign matter.
<13> BAD_CAL_STRIP During calibration, the calibration strip was unrecognizable. The strip may
have been inserted backwards, upside down, or held so that it slipped on
the internal rollers. This also may be an indication that the strip needs to
be replaced.
<14> MOTOR_ERROR During calibration, a problem was detected with the drive motor. This can
occur if the strip is held back while reading.
<20> INVALID_READING The strip just read was not recognized by the densitometer.
<21> WRONG_COLOR After a strip reading, the step wedge just read was not the color specified
for that pass or strip as defined in the densitometer editor menu.
<23> NEEDS_CALIBRATION The calibration check that was done immediately after reading a strip
indicated that the unit needs calibration. This occurs when the reading
taken from the opal glass after the strip exits the unit differs from the
reading taken during calibration by more than the internal tolerance
(default is 0.1 X, Y, or Z). The tolerance can also be changed by the RCI
command CC (Check Cal tolerance).
<26> NO_VALID_DATA The measure type is set to CONT and the strip that was read contained
nothing but base material. Base material is defined as measuring less
than 0.5D in the visual channel. For negative (black) based materials,
base material is defined as measuring less than twice the reflectance of a
measurement taken near the trailing edge of the strip. the densitometer
uses a measurement taken at about 0.25 inches from the trailing edge of
the strip to determine if it is positive or negative based. Any measurement
greater than 10% reflectance is considered positive based; anything else
is considered negative based.
Code Message Explanation