
I-2 May 2002
K-number, on scanner vii, 1-4
Kodak Professional Digital Print Production Software
(DP2) 1-3, D-1, D-22
Kodak Professional HR 500 TWAIN Data Source 1-3
replacing 4-2 to 4-3
turning on and off A-10, D-18
lamp timer, resetting to zero A-10
lamp-and-filter-access door 2-8, 4-2
latch release screw 1-4
lens, cleaning 4-1
light bar D-12
cleaning 4-2
loading and threading film on the Long Roll
Accessory D-16 to D-18
location of scanner (specifications) C-1
Long Roll Accessory D-1 to D-42
attaching to scanner D-8 to D-10
calibrating sensor offsets D-23 to D-30
fast forward or rewind speed D-1, D-29
initializing sensors D-38 to D-40
installing accessory on scanner D-5 to D-12
installing software D-2 to D-4
loading and threading film D-16 to D-18
maintaining D-34 to D-37
parts shipped with D-5
punch sensors D-14
removing from scanner D-13
setting punch reader height D-14 to D-22
setting trigger points D-31 to D-33
splicing and editing guidelines D-42
table of scan area values D-41
threading diagram D-17
mag/focus tab (SAM) A-5 to A-6
magnification, setting 2-8, 3-4, A-5
maintaining the scanner 4-1 to 4-6, D-34 to D-37
cleaning procedures 4-1 to 4-2
Long Roll Accessory maintenance D-35 to D-37
replacement procedures 4-2 to 4-6
balance filters 4-4 to 4-5
IR filter 4-5 to 4-6
scanner lamp 4-2 to 4-3
Mechanical Hazard symbol vii
miscellaneous tab (SAM) A-10
negative or mounted slide, inserting in the scanner 2-10
negative or positive balancing filter, setting 2-8 to 2-9
operating the scanner 2-8 to 2-13
focusing 2-13
inserting a negative or mounted slide in the
scanner 2-10
placing the film holder in the scanner 2-12
preparing an uncarded negative
or a mounted slide 2-11
scanning a single frame 2-13
selecting negative or positive balancing
filter 2-8 to 2-9
setting the magnification and calibrating
the scanner 2-8
setting the scan parameters 2-8
operations tabs (SAM)
backup 3-3, A-2, A-11
calibrate/image processing A-7 to A-8
capture A-8 to A-9
mag/focus A-5 to A-6
miscellaneous A-10
ordering information B-1 to B-2
accessories B-1
supplies B-1
parts shipped with Long Roll Accessory D-5
phone numbers
service agreement information viii
service and support vii
power consumption and thermal load of scanner C-1
power switch 1-4, 2-7
powering up the scanner and the host computer 2-7
punch readers on the Long Roll Accessory
cleaning D-35
setting height D-14 to D-22
readers, punch. See punch readers
rebooting the scanner A-10
regulatory information v
removing the Long Roll Accessory from the scanner D-13
replacement procedures 4-2 to 4-6
rollers on the Long Roll Accessory, cleaning D-36 to D-37
SAM. see Service and Assembly Module
scan area values
for cut-gate film holders 3-7
for the Long Roll Accessory D-41
scan area, setting, in SAM 3-6 to 3-7, A-9
scan parameters, setting 2-8
scan, checking 3-9 to 3-10
scanner attributes A-10