A-61140 January 2000 6-3
Operator message listing
Code Message Displayed Description/Action Required
E101 Auto shut-off Transport will stop and the message will be displayed
if a document has not been scanned within one
minute. Press Run to continue. Feed documents.
E102 Press STOP and try again Tried to use a function code that is not valid while the
transport is running. Press Stop and try again.
E103 Select valid mode (1 - 18) Invalid application mode was selected. Enter function
code F01 to select another mode.
E104 Function not available Invalid function code entered. Enter a valid function
E105 Parameter Value Invalid There is an invalid front/rear resolution mismatch or a
crop length/resolution mismatch. Check the scanner
E106 Doc length monitor - warning Tried to scan a document that was shorter or longer
than the maximum or minimum length set up for the
application mode you are using. Potentially a multi-
feed condition. Check the document length to see if it
is shorter than the minimum or longer than the
maximum allowed or a multi-feed; refeed the
E107 Doc skew monitor - warning Tried to scan a document that is skewed greater than
the maximum skew angle set up for the application
mode you are using and less than 30 degrees.
Refeed the document.
E112 Invalid patch level Invalid patch was used. The patch document is
ignored and the previous image level and image
address remain unchanged. Feed a correct patch
E113 Incorrect image address Tried to use an invalid image address. The image
address was not completely input before pressing
Enter. Press Next to enter a correct image address.
E114 Check current IA/level Conflicting input regarding the proper level was
received. Check the current document image level
and image address.
E116 Accessory not mode enabled Tried to use an accessory that is not enabled in the
chosen mode. Enter a different function code or
select an application mode that is enabled. If the
selected accessory is desired, contact Service to
change the mode configuration.