Operating the printer
October 1997 3-7
The following submenus are available only if the Network Interface Card
is installed:
• PORTS:ETHERTALK—lets you specify whether version 1 or 2 of
AppleTalk will be used
• PORTS:IPX—lets you specify the framing type to expect when using
Novell Netware
• PORTS:TCP/IP—lets you enter the Internet address of the printer
network interface card within a TCP/IP network
For complete information, refer to the
Installation & Setup Guide for the
KODAK Network Interface Card for the KODAK XLS 8400 Printer, the
KODAK XLS 8600/8600 PS Printer, and the KODAK DIGITAL SCIENCE
8650/8650 PS Printer
Specifying the printer’s SCSI ID (raster mode)
This option—SCSI:TARGET— appears only on printers running in
raster mode. The SCSI ID default value is 5.
Select an ID that is not in use on the SCSI bus for any other purpose.
For example, do not use the SCSI ID for your hard drive (0 for Macintosh
computers, 7 for computers running Microsoft Windows). Similarly, do
not use the ID for an external hard drive used for font storage or the ID
of a scanner connected to the computer.
Specifying the SCSI connection (PostScript mode)
This option— SCSI:INITIATOR —appears only on printers running in
PostScript mode. The SCSI ID default value is 6.
Select an ID that is not in use on the SCSI bus for any other purpose.
For example, you cannot use the SCSI ID for your hard drive (0 for
Macintosh computers, 7 for computers running Microsoft Windows).
Similarly, you cannot use the ID for an external hard drive used for font
storage or the ID of a scanner connected to the computer.
INITIATOR:ENABLE lets you determine whether the printer should act
as the SCSI bus initiator. The default is NO.
Choose ENABLE:YES only if an external hard drive is
connected to the printer. Otherwise, disk damage to
the host system could occur.