March 1998 4-1
4. Error Messages
Many of the error messages displayed by the Kodak
8657 thermal printer export module for Adobe
Photoshop software and Kodak Digital Science calibration
utility software for Macintosh and Microsoft windows
(export module) are self-explanatory. The following list
provides additional information for frequently encountered
If you do not find a displayed error message in the list, refer
to your Macintosh, Windows, or Photoshop documentation.
Error Message Solution
Media File is Missing For Macintosh, select:
• “System Folder”
• “Application Support”
• “Kodak”
• “Plug-ins”
• “Media Files”
For Windows:
• locate the Media File in the
plug-ins folder within
• locate the “MEDFILES” folder
Image Mode is invalid!
You must convert this image to RGB Color or
Grayscale in Photoshop before it can be
printed, or you can reprint the image currently
stored in the printer.
Change the Photoshop mode to print
the file.
The file is too large for the Kodak 8657 printer!
Resize the image in Photoshop before printing.
The maximum size is 120 MB.
Make the image smaller to print the
file. To make the image smaller,
Image Size
from the
menu, and enter a smaller height
or width.
AppleTalk is inactive.
Set AppleTalk to “Active” in the Chooser.
(Only on Macintosh systems.)
Indicates AppleTalk is not running.
Open the Chooser and turn
AppleTalk on.