
www.kodak.com/go/aiosupport 37
KODAK ESP 9200 Series All-in-One Printer
7. When you have finished changing settings, press Start Black to print a
black-and-white picture, or
Start Color to print a color picture.
IMPORTANT: To prevent loss of data from your memory card, camera, or portable drive,
do not remove it from the printer while printing.
Printing tagged pictures
Some digital cameras let you tag (or “mark”) pictures on the memory card for
printing. This creates a tag that is recognized by the printer. If you choose to print
tagged pictures, they will print according to the default settings on your printer
(unless otherwise specified by the tag from the camera).
NOTE: Refer to your camera user guide to determine whether your camera supports
tagged (also “marked” or “DPOF”) functionality.
To print tagged pictures:
1. Insert the memory card into the appropriate card slot.
2. When the “Print tagged images?” message appears, press Start Black to print a
black-and-white picture, or
Start Color to print a color picture.