A-61124 March 1999 5-11
Descriptor Data Definition
Bit Ordering = 0000H
Always scans left to right, top to bottom
Data packing within a byte (bit ordering) is
0001H=msb/left;lsb/right (default)
Compression Type = 00H, 01H,
02H, 03H
00H = no compression
01H = TSS Group III, 1-dimensional
02H = TSS Group III, 2-dimensional
03H = TSS Group IV
= 000 - 255 K-parameter value for TSS Group III,
Image Enhancement
= 0, 2, 3
= 1
0, 2, 3 = no filter (all pass)
1 = halftone removal
Noise Filter = 0, 1, 2 0 = no filter
1 = remove lone pixels
2 = majority rule
Allow Zero for
Threshold & Contrast
= 0
= 1
When zero is entered for threshold or contrast,
use default.
When zero is entered for threshold or contrast,
use zero.
No Scan = 0
= 1
No scan off (scanning enabled)
No scan on (scanning disabled)
Border Reduction = 0
= 1
Border Reduction Disabled
Border Reduction Enabled
Deskew = 0
= 1
Skew Correction Disabled
Skew Correction Enabled