A-61092 September 1999 1-1
1 Introduction
Kodak Digital Science
Document Scanner 9500 is a high-speed,
medium- to high-resolution rotary scanner designed for high-volume
digital capture of business documents. The Document Scanner 9500
captures printed characters, handwritten text, and graphics from
documents of various sizes.
NOTE: Illustrations in this User’s Guide are shown using the semi-
automatic feeder.
Scanner features
The Document Scanner 9500 has the following features:
• Scans up to 144 pages per minute (standard sized documents fed
in landscape orientation; continuous transport using the semi-
automatic feeder).
• High-speed scanning and image resolution.
◊ Scanner 9500 scans 160 landscape (A4 size) or 120 portrait
(8 ½ x 11-inch) documents per minute at 200 dpi or 107
landscape (A4 size) or 80 portrait (8 ½ x 11-inch) documents per
minute at 300 dpi.
• Handles documents of up to 2.5 to 20 in. (64 to 508 mm) long,
2.5 to 12 in. (64 to 305 mm) wide, and 0.014 in. (0.36 mm) thick.
The gap release feature allows thicker documents to be scanned.
NOTE: Documents longer than 20 inches can be scanned, but might
require special handling.
• Easy-to-reach control panel keys, identified by graphic symbols.
• A high-speed document transport system.
• A two-line, 80-character display for status information and operator
• Full programmability of 18 application modes, with override
• Linked modes allow the image address to be carried over from one
mode to another.
• Programmable keys to perform commonly-used functions.
• A transport-on function that allows 27 of the function codes to be
executed while the transport is running.
• Audible tones for selected functions, such as footswitch, patch
reading, etc.
• English or other language message display.
• A large, built-in workshelf.
• An adaptable, modular design for easy addition of accessories.