Reciprocity data
For the Direct Duplicating Microfilms (x468 and 2470),
tungsten exposures from 100 to 0.001 seconds, and
processing in a Kodak Prostar Processor as
recommended, reciprocity failure is negligible and no
correction is normally needed. Similar results are
expected with other recommended processes.
With Duplicating Microfilm x462 and using other than
1/50 second tungsten exposures, correct for reciprocity
failure at a density of 1.20 above D-min as follows:
*for Kodak Prostar Processor and continuous strand.
Exposure guidelines - x468 and 2470
Print density decreases with increased exposure and
increases with added development for the direct
duplicating microfilms. For intermediate duplicating
masters, generally the D-min in the master should be
printed to the density in the following table. 2470
Microfilm is generally not used for distribution copies. If
it is used as a distribution copy, reduce D-min levels to
the levels indicated for x468 Microfilm.
Processing Information
Processors and processing chemicals
Kodak Duplicating Microfilms can be processed in
most typical continuous-strand type medium and deep-
tank processors utilizing common Kodak Processing
Chemicals and parameters. However, they are
compatible with all standard microfilm processing
equipment and high quality microfilm chemicals,
although results may vary.
IMPORTANT: For best results and to avoid aeration,
always add chemical concentrate to
water, not water to concentrate.
Processor set up: Specifications for all Kodak Duplicating Microfilms†
† Starting points and mixed formats.
NOTES: The dwell times and temperatures are starting points only. Specific systems or customer needs may demand variation
from these values based on photographic aims. Dwell time is determined by timing film speed from entrance roller to
exit roller while running in the processor. Deep tank times given should match the photographic results of a Prostar
Processor; significantly shorter development times are achievable with these films by using higher exposure conditions
without any detriment to image quality.
For x462 Microfilms, the starting dwell time for the developer is 68 seconds.
x462 Microfilms Exposure Time (seconds)
100 10 1 1/10 to
Speed change (%) -75 -50 -20 none
Effective meter
setting* 0.5 1.0 1.6 2.1
Correction in
camera stops +2+1+1/3none
Microfilm Exposure Control
Print D-min of master to a density on
the duplicate as specified below:
x462 .08 to .15
x468 .10 to .15
2470 .15 to .25
Developer Fixer Wash
°F (°C)
°F (°C)
°F (°C)
°F (°C) Dev Fix
Kodak Prostar 13.5 100
13.5 96
Ready to
Ready to
Deep tank 90* 85
45-90 85
160 Max
1:7 1:3