Connect the DC50 to the serial cable on CAD 12 if using Windows® or the modem
cable on the Macintosh Centris 650 if using that system. The cable connections for the
camera are located below a small rubber cover on the side of the unit.
Fig. 4. Cable Connections on the Camera
Power Supply
An auxiliary power supply is also available for use with the camera. It is suggested you
connect the auxiliary power unit when using the camera in conjunction with the
computer. Since transfers are often lengthy, the power supply saves the excessive drain
on the batteries within the camera.
The primary software for transfering, converting, and storing the files is Kodak
PhotoEnhancer® which is available on both the Macintosh Centris® 650 and Windows.
To use the PhotoEnhancer software, the camera must first be connected to the computer
and turned on. On the desktop, locate and open the PhotEnhancer software. Several
options are available within the software menu.
NOTE: Detailed instructions for using the Kodak PhotoEnhancer software are available
in Room 206 in the form of a PDF (Portable Document Format) file. The PDF file
(Photoen.pdf) is stored in the R:\CADLAB\DOC directory. It can be viewed by loading
the Adobe Acrobat® software and then viewing the file.
Downloading Pictures to Computer
Choose the CAMERA menu and select VIEW SLIDES IN CAMERA to display the
pictures currently in the camera as a series of slides. A dialog box appears so you can
select the picture or range of pictures stored on the camera.
Saving Images to Disk
transfer pictures from the camera to a disk. A dialog box appears so you can choose to
move a picture or a range of pictures. A dialog box appears allowing you to select the
destination folder (directory) and drive.
Give the file a name and then select OK to save the file. Note that some operating
systems (i.e. MS-DOS have a limit of eight character file names.
Converting an Image
Using FILE OPEN to open the image. Use FILE SAVE AS to save the file in another
format. Select the color depth (the more colors the larger the file size) and file type to be
saved. Make sure you check to see what file types are supported by the application that
will utilize the image. Choose OK to save the file.