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1-4 Before You Begin
IBM PC or Compatible Computer —
Hardware and Software
These sections list required and optional hardware and software needed
to run the Kodak Driver for TWAIN-compliant PC applications.
IMPORTANT: Refer to the README file that is installed with the software driver
for additional details or revisions to these requirement.
Required Computer Hardware
An 80386 or higher computer with a minimum of 8 megabytes (MB) of
random access memory (RAM) that can operate Microsoft Windows 3.1.
We strongly recommend a Pentium computer with at least 32 MB of RAM
and a one gigabyte hard disk or larger for faster acquisition of an image
from the DCS 465 Camera to the computer.
Hard disk, 160 megabyte (MB) minimum; we recommend 250 MB or
greater. At least 10 MB of free disk space; for fastest performance we
recommend at least 20 MB of free disk space.
NOTE: Your TWAIN application may have additional requirements; for example,
Adobe Photoshop 3.0 has requirements beyond those listed above.
Required Monitor and Display Card
A color monitor is required for color work. VGA or compatible display.
You need the appropriate display card for the monitor in use; we recom-
mend a 16-bit or 24-bit display card. A 16-bit card can display up to
32,768 colors, while a 24-bit card can display more than 16.7 million
colors. (Neither the amount of data stored for each image, nor the quality
of any printed output, is affected by the monitor or card in use.) If you do
not have a 24-bit display card, the software automatically dithers —blends
the display data — to achieve the best looking image.