B-2 5E6155 January 10, 2006
Warranty and Limitation of Liability
Policy, document 3E4111, Kodak’s time to install patches and other
changes to our products, toward cure of vulnerabilities to and effects of
malicious software attacks, and additional professional services to assist
customers to eliminate attack consequences and/or harden their
information technology infrastructure against future attacks, is billable
unless a clear and specific contractual agreement states otherwise.
End User License Agreement (EULA)
Eastman Kodak Company
Health Group Software
End User License
Read the following terms and conditions carefully before using this
Software. Use of this Software indicates your acceptance of these terms and
conditions. If you do not agree with them, you should promptly return the
package in its entirety for a full refund.
License Grant of License. Subject to payment of any fees set forth in any related
Quotation or Invoice, Eastman Kodak Company ("Kodak") grants to
Customer a nonexclusive license to use one copy of the software on the
equipment (the "Software"). Kodak represents that it has title to or has the
right to license the Software. Customer agrees to use the Software only in
conjunction with the normal operation of the equipment, but not to use any
of the diagnostic software included with the Software to perform
maintenance service or for any other purpose without entering into a
separate license agreement with Kodak. Customer may not transfer the
Software, or any of their rights in the Software, to any other party without
the prior written consent of Kodak. The term Software as used in this
Agreement does not include, and this license does not apply to, any
Microsoft operating system software provided with the equipment. Any
Microsoft operating system software provided with the equipment is
governed by a separate software end user license agreement.
Improved or Modified Versions. This license also applies to any improved
or modified versions of the Software supplied to the Customer by Kodak
during the term of this Agreement.
Copying and Nondisclosure. Nothing in this Agreement will be deemed to
grant the Customer any proprietary rights in the computer program or any
other work embodied in the Software. Customer may not copy or alter, and
must take reasonable care to ensure that others do not copy or alter, the
Software, in whole or in part, in any media for any purpose, except that
Customer may make a copy as an essential step in the use of the Software