Problem Cause Solution
LED stays lit Camera is not working
✔ Unplug the camera and then
plug it in again.
✔ Reboot your computer with the
camera plugged in.
“Unable to connect
camera” message
Camera driver file is
missing or corrupted
✔ Unplug the camera and then
plug it in again.
✔ Reboot your computer with the
camera connected.
✔ Un-install the DVC323
software and then re-install it.
Still pictures are blurry The subject is moving
too fast for the shutter
speed, the camera is
being moved while
taking the picture, or the
manual focus is set
✔ Rotate the focus wheel on the
camera until the image is sharp.
To see more detail, select High
in the Quality field on the
“Video Settings” window (see
Chapter 4).
✔ If in low light, place the camera
in its base and on a stable
surface. Start recording the
video by using the mouse and
the software application instead
of pressing the shutter button
on the camera. Make sure the
subject is not moving rapidly.
✔ If in normal or bright light,
select Fast shutter speed on the
“Video Settings” window. This
will limit the shutter speed to a
stop action setting to allow you
to capture moving subjects
with less motion blur, and
allow hand-held use of the
camera and use of the shutter
button with much less camera