A-61578 September 2006 15
Training Scanner operation and maintenance training is provided by the Kodak
Field Engineer.
NOTE: Training on the host application is not provided by Kodak.
The following documentation is available to support the Kodak i1860
• User’s Guide, A-61555 — provides basic user instructions for using
the Kodak i1860 Scanner including cleaning and customer-
replaceable part procedures.
• Quick Tips Guide, A-61556 — is a summary of this User’s Guide
and is intended to be used as a quick reference for basic scanner
• Brightness and Contrast Control Reference Guide, A-61506 —
provides information and procedures for using the Brightness and
Contrast Control which allows you to create your own custom color
• Image Processing Guide, A-61580 — provides information on the
Kodak Scan Validation Tool as well as descriptions of the features
available for the i1860 Scanner that can be configured using the
TWAIN Data source or ISIS Driver.
• On-line help — available when using the TWAIN Data source and
ISIS Driver.
• Patch Code Information, A-61599 — provides detailed
specifications for patch codes and includes camera-ready patches.
• Key Operator Training Guide, A-61579 — after installation of your
Kodak i1860 Scanner, the Field Engineer will use this guide to train
operators on scanner usage and maintenance.
• White Background Accessory Instructions, A-61576 — when you
purchase the White Background Accessory, these instructions are
included and provide a description of how to install the accessory.
• Ultra-Lightweight Feeder Kit Instructions, A-61577 —when you
purchase the Ultra-Lightweight Feeder Kit these instructions are
included and provide a description of how to use the Ultra-
Lightweight Feed Module.
• Kodak Manual Feeder for i1860 Scanner, A-61559 — when you
purchase the manual feeder this document provides instructions on
how to install and use the manual feeder.