28 A-61167 September 2002
Adjusting the
Separator Module
Most documents will feed perfectly fine with the default separator module
tension. However, there may be times when you are scanning documents
that are lighter or heavier. Two additional positions for the separator module
spring allow you to adjust the tension to improve the scanning these types
of documents. The spring can be placed in one of the two channels or it can be
released and left on the flat surface.
1. Power down the scanner.
2. Remove any documents from the feeder area.
3. Lift up the scanner door release to unlatch the scanner door.
4. Pull up to open the scanner door.
5. Remove the separator module by pulling it down and lifting it off.
6. Pull the spring gently into the position you want.
7. Re-install the separator module and align the shaft ends.
8. Press until the separator module clicks into place.
Heavy documents Normal documents
(default position)
Light documents