setting highlighted, press OK to turn on
Preview and activate the Kelvin
temperature selector.
-Use the buttons to select a
color temperature between 2,500-
10,000°K. The result of the selection is
displayed in the LCD.
-Press OK to accept the setting and return
to the Capture Menu screen. Ideal when
you know the temperature value of your
light source.
When using the Color Temperature
setting, refer to the light source
manufacturer for the correct
temperature setting.
MANUAL—the Manual White Balance
adjustments are displayed in the LCD and
are ideal for customizing the color
distribution in a picture before it is taken.
-With the Manual setting highlighted,
press OK to turn on Preview and activate
the Manual setting.
-Place a grey or white card in front of the
camera lens and use the
keys to adjust the camera color until the
LCD most closely matches the card.
The color arrows displayed on the screen
indicate which colors the
keys adjust.