18 www.kodak.com/go/support
Doing more with your frame
4 Click My Devices to see the folders on your frame and the connected devices.
The frame appears as removable drives—one drive for each picture source on the
frame’s picture source: internal memory (My Frame), and any inserted memory cards or
connected devices.
5 In Pictures and Videos, click the folder or location on your computer that contains
the pictures you want to copy.
6 In the Viewer pane, select the pictures, videos, etc., then drag and drop them to
the new location in the Drag and Drop Zone (for example, the frame’s internal
memory, a memory card, or connected USB device).
7 Unplug the USB cable, then go to the copy location (see page 8) to play a slide
show with your copied picture.
NOTE: The slide show order of play for available sources is: memory card, USB device, internal memory.
NOTE: To maintain the slide show order during playback, see page 11 and select Filename, A - Z.
Connected device
Pictures/videos on your
Drag and drop here
(Drag and Drop Zone)
Select pictures here
(Viewer pane)
My Devices:
Internal memory
Memory card