Positioned for business success
The Kodak NexPress Digital Color Platform o ers four choices to build your own
solution from the ground up — based on where your printing business is now and
where you want to be in the future.
Each press meets unique volume and application requirements, so you can make
choices, not trade-o s. Choose the press that best meets your needs, then we’ll help
you add the software and hardware accessories that make the system uniquely yours.
Designed to deliver
The Kodak NexPress Digital Color Platform delivers unique advantages designed
specifi cally to improve the way you meet your clients’ most challenging demands.
Application fl exibility
Proven compatibility with
a wide range of substrate
types, weights, and sizes
along with an option of
four or fi ve colors on
production presses mean
you can deliver more of
the applications your
customers demand.
Imaging innovation
Kodak NexPress Presses feature imaging
technologies designed to produce exceptional
color and outstanding quality for demanding
production environments.
The power of choice
NexPress Presses o er scaleable confi gurations
and technology upgrades that enhance the value
of your investment over time and adapt as your
business changes.
Benchmark productivity
Productivity-enhancing features, production-class
reliability, and a range of speeds translate into an
improved ability to turn jobs — and profi t.
The bottom line
The Kodak NexPress M700
Digital Color Press is an attractive
entry into digital production color
with an upgrade path when your
business is ready.
The Kodak NexPress 2100 Plus
Digital Production Color Press
raises the bar in terms of
capabilities, performance,
and business growth.
Complete workfl ow integration, scaleable front end technology, outstanding image quality, reliability, self-serviceability with ORCs
Kodak’s unique business
model built around user
serviceability through
Operator Replaceable
Components (ORCs)
allows you to maximize
uptime, control quality,
and enhance profi tability.
The Kodak NexPress 2500
Digital Production Color Press
gives you increased productivity
and fl exibility to produce more
jobs, more often — and generate
more revenue.
The Kodak NexPress S3000
Digital Production Color Press
delivers the highest productivity
for more saleable prints.