FCCcompliance and advisory
_ Kodak EasyShare M763/M863/MD863 digital camera J
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class Bdigital device, pursuant to
Part 15 of the FCC Rules, These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful
interference in a residential installation,
Thisequipmentgenerates,uses,andcanradiateradiofrequencyenergyand,if notinstalledor usedin
accordancewith theinstructions,maycauseharmfulinterferenceto radiocommunications,However,thereis
noguaranteethat interferencewill not occurina particularinstallation,
If thisequipmentdoescauseharmfulinterferenceto radioortelevisionreception,which canbedeterminedby
turningtheequipmentoff andon,theuserisencouragedtotryto correctthe interferencebyoneor moreof the
following measures:1)reorientorrelocatethe receivingantenna;2) increasetheseparationbetweenthe
equipmentandthe receiver;3)connecttheequipmentto anoutletona circuitdifferent fromthat towhich the
receiverisconnected;4) consultthedealeroran experiencedradio/TVtechnicianfor additionalsuggestions,
Anychangesor modificationsnot expresslyapprovedbythe partyresponsibleforcompliancecouldvoidthe
user'sauthorityto operatetheequipment.Whereshieldedinterfacecableshavebeenprovidedwith the
productorspecifiedadditionalcomponentsoraccessorieselsewheredefinedto beusedwith the installationof
theproduct,they mustbeusedinorderto ensurecompliancewith FCCregulation,
FCC and Industry Canada
This device complies with Industry Canada RSS-210 and FCC Rules, Operation is subject to the following two
conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference
received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
Pt3C et. Inda_ie Canada
Cet appareil e_t conforn_ _ la nonne RSS-210 d'In,_rle Canada et a,_ r_gleir_nta_ioias de la FCC. Son
u_ili_ation e.st _:mmi_e aux deu_ cotxtiti¢,i_ _aivant_ : (1) cet appareil ne dolt. p_ provoquer d_nt_rNre1_e_
nui_ibb_ et (2) cet appareil dolt _mppor_r le_ mt_ff_encas reque_, y compri_ celb._ .m_eptihle_ d_ mire
www. kodak, com/go/m 763support m863support md863support @ 27