Print Server
To remove a range of jobs from the print queue:
1. In the Print Server window, hold the Shift key
and click the first and last jobs in the range you
wish to remove.
2. From the Server menu select Dequeue.
Alternatively, press the Delete key, or press the
Dequeue Tool Bar button.
To remove all print jobs:
1. From the Server menu select Flush or press
the Flush Tool Bar button.
2. Click OK.
Rearranging the Print Job Order
You can change the order in which print jobs are
processed by moving jobs within the queue.
To move a single job:
1. In the Print Server window, click the job to be
2. Do one of the following:
✔ From the Server menu select Move Up or
Move Down.
✔ Press and hold the Ctrl key and press the
up or down arrow keys.
✔ Drag and drop the highlighted job to the
desired position in the print queue.
✔ Press the Move Up or Move Down Too l
Bar buttons.
Move Down
Move Up