Process ECP-2E Specifications 9-19
Solution Mixing
1. Use the following mixing practices when preparing
processing solutions with common mixing equipment. Mix
solutions in the order in which the solutions occur in the
process sequence. This order will minimize mixing time
and oxidation, while providing consistent results. See
Module 10, Effects of Mechanical & Chemical Variations
in Process ECP-2E, for sensitometric effects of
contamination and solution concentration errors.
The mixing area should be well ventilated and have a local
exhaust over the mixing tank to carry off fumes and chemical
dust. See Module 2, Equipment and Procedures, for exhaust
Good mixing practices:
1. Observe all precautionary information on containers
and packages of each chemical, and on the Material
Safety Data Sheets available from the seller of the
individual chemical. Footnotes with some formulas
provide further precautionary information.
2. Rinse the mix tank with water, and run fresh water
through the pump. Drain the tank and pump.
3. Fill the tank to the mixing level with water at the
appropriate temperature, and start the mixer. Be sure
the mixer is large enough to provide adequate agitation
for the volume of solution desired. The starting mixing
level should be 80 percent of the final volume (if a
water hopper is used, take care not to over dilute the
solution). Allow one minute for agitating the water
between the time the mixer is started and the first
chemical addition is made. This action helps remove
air from the water and disperse the first chemical
4. Premeasure all chemicals,
but do not combine the dry
chemicals together before adding them to the mixing
tank. This practice can result in unwanted chemical
reactions producing toxic and noxious fumes. The
formula for each processing solution lists chemicals in
the proper mixing order. Add and dissolve the
chemicals in the order given, and dilute the solution to
volume with water. When mixing sound track
developer accelerator for persulfate bleach,
ferricyanide bleach, and UL bleaches, observe the
following special mixing instructions.
with high agitation for extended periods of time can
result in the loss of some PBA-1 due to aerial
oxidation. Mix only until all solid chemicals have
FERRICYANIDE BLEACH: When the ferricyanide
bleach is made with ferrocyanide and persulfate, the
solution should be allowed to sit approximately an
hour before final adjustments are made. This allows
for complete reaction of the two chemicals.
* When preparing processing solutions, use photographic grade chemicals
(passing the ANSI or ANSI/ACS specifications). Kodak, as well as some
other suppliers, provide such chemicals.
CORROSIVE: Avoid contact with solution and vapor.
Avoid breathing vapor. Wear safety goggles and impervious
gloves. Store in a cool place to prevent pressure build-up in
the container.
UL BLEACH: When adding Ammonium Hydroxide
to the mix tank, be sure to add it below, or at the
surface of the solution to minimize the escape of
Ammonia vapor. Careless handling may require
evacuation of the mix room.
5. Agitate the solution for a few minutes after it has been
diluted to volume, to promote complete and uniform
dissolution of all the constituents. The prebath,
developer, stop, and final rinse should be agitated for
at least 5 minutes after dilution to volume; the fixer for
10 minutes; and the bleach for 15 minutes.
6. Analyze the solution for its critical constituents after
mixing. Then place the certified solution into the
appropriate storage tank.
7. Carefully rinse the mixing tank and any pump used to
transport the solution. Clean the mixing equipment
immediately after the tank is emptied, before salts and
tars have time to form. The tank is more efficiently
rinsed with numerous small-volume rinses than with
fewer large-volume rinses.