Upgrading the KODAK OMS Imaging Software
8 Installing KODAK OMS Imaging Software
3. Click Install OMS Imaging Software. If you are using the DR software, click Install
Imaging Software
. The setup program copies the system files to your computer and
updates the system configuration.
4. Click
Finish. A message is displayed, prompting you to restart your computer.
5. Restart your computer. If you have digital radiography equipment installed on your
computer, the hardware installation launches automatically.
Registering an Upgrade Installation
To register an upgraded software installation, follow these steps:
1. Open the practice management software. The
Release Code window is displayed.
2. Select your preference, and click
• To receive your release code on the Internet, click
Automatically via the Internet and
follow the instructions.
• To receive your release code over the telephone, select
Contact support by
and call technical support.
Release Code window is displayed.
3. Enter the release code, and click
OK.The Kodak OMS imaging software is displayed.
If you are installing the
software using a cd,
when prompted remove
the first cd from the
CD-Rom drive and insert
the second cd to install
the hardware.
The Install license File
window is displayed if
you are not currently
licensed for Kodak
OMS imaging software.
If you receive the
release code over the
Internet, it is retrieved