What happened Probable cause Solution
Camera will Battery weak, dead, missing, Replace or reload
not operate or improperly loaded the battery
Film does not Battery weak, dead, missing, Replace or reload
advance or rewind or improperly loaded the battery
LCD panel is blank Battery weak, dead, missing, Replace or reload
or improperly loaded the battery
Camera in sleep mode Press mode-selector
button or close and
reopen lens cover/flash
Lens cover/flash closed Open lens cover/flash
Flash/camera ready Flash not fully charged Wait for lamp to
lamp “blinks” red glow green
Camera movement Hold camera steady
Subject beyond the flash range Move closer to subject
Flash/camera ready Subject between 8 in (20 cm) Move back and
lamp glows red and and 2 ft (0.6 m) from camera recompose picture
shutter button locks
Film door does Film cassette loaded in Press the mid-roll-change
not open film chamber button. See Mid-roll-
change (MRC) on
page 27 or continue
taking pictures