116347Ć2ĆAA (A)
Kohler Co., Kohler, WI
NOTE: Carefully study the roughingĆin pages
located in the inside back cover pocket, and the
illustration at right before you begin construction of
the stud pocket. Follow the framing details carefully.
Use 2x4 framing for the stud pocket. Make sure you
allow for access to the pump in the event the
BodySpa requires service. Determine the drain
We recommend a room size approximately 60Ćinches
long x 48Ćinches wide x 84Ćinches high for the
Custom BodySpa installation. The basin design must
provide for a water depth of at least 3Ćinches above
the top of the suction cover. This will allow an overall
basin depth of about 9Ćinches. The threshold of the
basin should be 6 to 7Ćinches above the top of the
suction cover. Construct the basin framing to result
in an overall basin water capacity between 90 and
200 gallons.
You must provide at least 32 cubic feet (length x
width x height) of unrestricted air space around
the pump box for the motor to cool properly and to
provide access to the pump. We suggest you
construct a false wall behind the face wall framing.
Locate the false wall along the tower wall.
For new installations, build this false wall so at
least 12Ćinches of access space exists to the back of
the face wall. For existing installations with
finished walls, or if separate access panels for the
pump, drain, water supplies, and suction assembly
are not feasible, provide more than 14Ćinches of
access space between the false and face walls so a
repair person can maneuver between the walls.
Carefully study the door enclosure installation
instructions packed with the door enclosure.
Construct suitable framing for the door enclosure,
including a header and support framing above the
doorway to prevent heat and moisture from
escaping. Remember to locate the door enclosure
perpendicular to the tower wall.
If you plan to install grab bars or other
accessories, provide sufficient backing.
Check Point #1
- Room size and layout known.
- Provide 32 cu. ft. air space around pump box.
- Footbath basin size and shape known.
- Face and false wall locations known.
- Drain location known.