WARNING! Isolate the electrical and water supplies before installing the shower.
2. Put the installation template on the wall and mark the positions of the top two
fixing holes. Ensure that there are sufficient lengths of supply pipe and electrical
cable to reach the connection points as shown on the template.
3. Remove the installation template and drill the top two fixing holes. Insert the
supplied wall plugs.
CAUTION! Do not drill into cables or pipes in the wall.
4. Thoroughly flush the supply pipe.
5. On the shower, turn both knobs to the full anti-clockwise position.
Decide on a suitable position for the appliance (minimum distance of 200mm
from the ceiling to allow for cover fit and removal). The position of the
appliance and the shower fittings must provide a minimum gap of 25 mm
between the spill-over level of the shower tray/bath and the handset. This is
to prevent backsiphonage
6. Remove the three screws that hold the cover on the shower and remove the
7. Remove the service tunnel from the shower.
Service Tunnel