bizhub C203/C253/C353 2-49
Setup items by operation
Select the authentication method that is used by the LDAP server being used. For details, refer to the
manual for the LDAP server being used.
Item Definition Prior confirmation
LDAP Server Name Specify the name of the LDAP server.
Server Address Specify the LDAP server address. (Format: "***.***.***.***",
Range for ***: 0 to 255)
If the DNS server is specified, the address can be specified
using the host name.
This item can also be specified with IPv6.
Address of the server
Port Number Default setting: 389
Specify the port number.
Port number for the serv-
Search Base Specify the search starting point in a hierarchical structure
placed on the LDAP server. Searches are performed through
the directory at the starting point and subdirectories under
the directory.
Search base
Timeout Specify the maximum wait time for a search operation.
Max. Search Results Specify the maximum number of destinations to be dis-
played after a search.
Authentication Method Select the authentication method used for logging in to the
LDAP server.
If "anonymous" is selected, it is not necessary to specify the
login name, password, and domain name.
When "GSS-SPNEGO" is selected, the machine logs in to
the server using the Kerberos authentication method. The
Kerberos authentication method is supported by Active Di-
Authentication method
for the server
Login Name Specify the login name for logging in to the LDAP server (up
to 255 characters).
Password Specify the password for logging in to the LDAP server (up
to 128 characters).
Domain Name Specify the domain name for logging in to the LDAP server
(up to 64 characters).
If "GSS-SPNEGO" is selected, specify the domain name of
Active Directory.
Authentication method
Domain name
Select Server Authenti-
cation Method
Specify the server authentication method.
If "Set Value" is selected, the specified login name, pass-
word, and domain name are used.
If "Use User Authentication" is selected, the user name and
password used for external server authentication are used.
When "Dynamic Authentication" is selected, a user name
and password is requested for address search (LDAP).
Use Referral To use the referral function, select "ON".
Initial Setting for Search
Specify the conditions for performing a detailed LDAP