Displaying the Measurement Results
When the Target Color Data No. has Been Deleted
If the target color data for a number is deleted, the target color for data to which that number was asso-
ciated is set to that of the next highest number. The target color number is reset to that of the number for
which there is a target color data number.
With “linked to each data.” target-mode, the measured data is saved with target color number that was
specified for it at the time of measurement. If the number for the target color that was set at the time of
measurement is deleted, the link between the data and target color data number is cut when the number
is deleted. The measurement data is saved with information that states that there is no target color for that
data, “T---” is displayed for the target color, and “-----” for the color difference and pass/fail judgment.
In addition, no points appear on the graph.
With “defined in COND.” the color difference and pass/fail judgments for the reset target color data and
its data are recalculated based on the associated color difference.
In the <TARGET> screen that shows the target color data
which you want to delete, select “DEL” and then press
A, the <TARGET DELETE> screen is displayed. In
the screen, select “T
DELETE” and then press A,
the target color data which the target color data number is
” will be deleted.
In “linked to each data.” mode, the measured data is calcu-
lated with the target data which is selected at the time of
measurement. Because the target color data is deleted,
“T- - -” is displayed on the screen as the target color data
number, and the no color difference results are displayed
(“- - - - -” is displayed as the color difference results).
Select “BREAK” and then press A, the display
return to the measurement screen.
In “defined in COND.” mode, the measured data is
recalculated with the new selected target color
number's data and the results are displayed.
Select and then press A , the <TARGET> screen
is displayed. It shows the target color data which number
is currently selected and is used for next measurement.
If a number for target color data is deleted, the target color is set to the next target color, but set as the target color of the
deleted number.
* In the example above, target color T2 has been set to number T1.