4-20.Open from Archived Media
VK-2 supports to read the image data from the Archived Media that other VK-2 system captured.
Insert the Archived Media into the appropriate drive before you begin your search.
1. Choose [File] > [Open from Archived Media],
Or Click [Open Archived Media] on Advanced Search List.
2. Double Click the Patient ID on the list to read and display the image.
4-21.Copy to Clipboard
You can copy an image to the Clipboard in the Windows operating system. The image becomes available to paste
into other applications.
4-22.Input Text
The Input Text command lets you to annotate your images. To input text on an image:
1. Choose [Edit] > [Input Text].
2. Click in the image where you want the type to appear. The type dialog box appears.
3. Choose [File]>[Save Edited Image] to save the text information on the image.
Input Text with line
After drawing line, insert text on an image.
1.Cose [Edit] > [Input Text with line
2.Draw line, moving mouse
while holding down left button
3.After drawing line, the type dialog box appears, and type text.
3.Choose [File]>[Save Edited Image] to save the text information on the image.
4-23.Check Disk Space
To view the amount of disk space available on your hard drive, choose from the menu [View ]> [Show Space of
Disk]. The dialog box appears.
Capacity of Disk Available disk space Percent empty