A new printer control language, PRESCRIBE 2e
PRESCRIBE 2e includes advanced graphics capabilities that allow you to print any conceivable outline
shape or solid form. Also provided are a variety of special effects, such as patterned fills, gray-scale
shading, a user-accessible print image model, and multiple page orientations and print directions
within the same page.
PDF417 two-dimensional bar code
The printer includes the capability that allows the user to implement the two-dimensional stacked bar
code symbology, PDF417, or Portable Data File 417. This expanded functionality is achieved by using
the PRESCRIBE 2e language commands.
Automatic rotation of fonts and graphics
Images and scalable fonts are automatically rotated to match the page orientation.
A wide variety of internal symbol sets
The printer supports most Hewlett-Packard LaserJet 5M compatible symbol sets for both bitmap and
scalable fonts.
Display of printer messages in any of four languages
English, French, German, or Italian. As an option it is also possible to download the messages in other
languages. Please contact your dealer.