Manual No. 701-123M 2/23/07
Land Pride
Assembly Instructions
Assembly Instructions for
Kit No’s. 701-171A and 701-126A
Front Rack mounted to Heavy Duty Brush
Guard (Reference Series 20 ST Trekers)
Refer to Figure 1:
1. Remove plastic end caps (#6) from Heavy Duty
Brush Guard (#1).
2. Attach adapter bracket (#3) to Heavy Duty Brush
Guard with 5/16"-18 x 3/4" lg. GR5 hex bolts (#4A)
and 5/16" hex locknuts (#5). Do not tighten.
3. Remove only the top two accessory bar mounting
screws (#4B). Do not remove screws (#4C). Pivot
front rack (#7) up at the front and attach rack top
mounting holes to the accessory bar top mounting
holes with existing mounting screws (#4B). Draw
mounting screws up snug. Do not tighten.
4. Remove only the bottom two accessory bar
mounting screws (#4C) and pivot front rack down.
Reinstall mounting screws (#4C) and draw up snug.
5. Insert two 5/16"-18 x 1-1/2 GR.5 Bolts (#4D) through
Front Rack (#7) and adapter bracket (#3). Secure
with 5/16" hex lock nuts (#5). Do not tighten.
6. Adjust the Front Rack (#7) to be level and centered
on the Treker.
7. Tighten all 5/16" hex head bolts (#4A, 4B, 4C & 4D)
to 17 ft-lbs. of torque.
8. Replace plastic end caps (#6).
Front Rack Assembly To Heavy Duty Brush Guard
Series 20 ST Trekers
Figure 1