7: Line and Tunnel Settings
PremierWave XC User Guide 47
Line Settings Description
Baud Rate Sets the Baud Rate (speed) of the Line. The default is 9600.
Any set speed between 300 and 921600 may be selected: 300, 600, 1200, 2400,
4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200, 230400, 460800, 921600. When
selecting Custom baud rate (available for line 1 and line 2 only), you may manually
enter any value between 300 and 5000000.
Parity Sets the Parity of the Line. The default is None.
Data Bits
Sets the number of data bits for the Line. The default is 8.
Stop Bits
Sets the number of stop bits for the Line. The default is 1.
Flow Control
Sets the flow control for the Line. The default is None.
Xon Char
Set Xon Char to be used when Flow Control is set to Software. Prefix decimal with \
or prefix hexadecimal with 0x or prefix a single control character <control>.
Xoff Char
Set Xoff Char to be used when Flow Control is set to Software. Prefix decimal with \
or prefix hexadecimal with 0x or prefix a single control character <control>.
Gap Timer
Set the Gap Timer delay to Set the number of milliseconds to pass from the last
character received before the driver forwards the received serial bytes. By default,
the delay is four character periods at the current baud rate (minimum 1 ms).
Set the number of threshold bytes which need to be received in order for the driver to
forward received characters.
Command Mode
Table 7-2 Line Command Mode Settings
Line Command
Mode Settings
Sets the Command Mode state of the Line. When in Command Mode, a CLI session
operates exclusively on the Line. Choices are:
Use Serial String
Note: In order to enable command mode on the Line, Tunneling on the Line must be
Disabled (both connect and accept modes).
Wait Time
Enter the amount of time to wait during boot time for the Serial String. This timer
starts right after the Signon Message has been set on the Serial Line and applies only
if mode is “Use Serial String”.