Frequently-used Commands
F - 6
“name” option
TCPPORT string SpeciÞes a raw TCP listener socket for the service.
Enter a socket number (4000 to 4999) or the word
TELNETPORT string SpeciÞes a TCP listener socket for the service.
Unlike TCPport, this option performs Telnet IAC
interpretation on the data stream. Enter a socket
number (4000 to 4999) or the word none.
INITIALIZE option DELAY num Schedules a reboot after num minutes. Enter a
value from 0 to 120.
CANCEL Cancels an impending initialization.
FACTORY Reboots the server to its factory default settings.
NOBOOT Forces the Server to stop in Boot ConÞguration
Mode rather than fully rebooting.
RELOAD Forces the Server to download new operational
code and reprogram its ßash-ROM.
LOGOUT option <nothing> Logs out the current port (the port that issued the
PORT num Logs out the speciÞed port.
Table F-1: Frequently-used Server Commands, cont.
Command Option(s) Description