© Leica Biosystems Newcastle Ltd • NCL- Rev C
General Overview
Topoisomerases are nuclear enzymes involved in a variety of cellular activities. Topoisomerase
II Alpha modulates the topological structure of DNA during replication and transcription by
introducing a transient double strand break, facilitating the passing through of a double stranded
DNA helix, and then resealing the gap. Topoisomerase II Alpha expression and activity is linked to
the cell cycle, and is associated with the proliferation status of cells.
General References
Lodge A J, Hall A G, Reid M M, et al.. Journal of Clinical Pathology. 54: 31–36 (2001).
Sandri M I, Hochhauser D, Ayton P, et al.. British Journal of Cancer. 73: 1518–1524 (1996).
Boege F, Anderson A, Jensen S, et al.. American Journal of Pathology. 146 (6): 1302–1308
Houlbrook S, Addison C M, Davies S L, et al.. British Journal of Cancer. 72: 1454–1461 (1995).
Imai H, Furuta K, Landberg G, et al.. Clinical Cancer Research. 1: 417–424 (1995).
Vanderzee A, Devries E, Hollema H, et al.. Annals of Oncology. 5: 75–81 (1994).
Stefanini M, De Martino C and Zamboni L. Nature. 214: 173–174 (1967).