
Note: The player continues to use battery power after it’s been turned to off, if unit isn’t used for a
while, the battery might need to be charged.
B. Charging the Battery:
You can charge the player battery in two ways:
Connect player to your computer.
Use the USB power charger. (not included)
C. Connection and Charging:
Once you have connected player with computer / Power charger, then you will see the
“Connecting Mode” or any one of the “Mode” screen on LCD display.
In connect / mode screen, you can see the bar levels are running in battery icon, the battery is
in charging.
The battery icon will show “Full” when the charging is completed. Disconnect the USB cable
when it is done.
Connecting Mode Screen
Important: The battery cannot be charged when your computer is in sleep mode. The USB port on
most keyboards does not provide enough power to charge the player. Connect player direct to a
USB port on your computer only to prevent charging problem.
3. Insert Micro SD Memory Card / USB Disk
MMS-201 is design without an internal memory, it need to have a USB disk or a SD memory
card insert into the USB port or the card slot. Upload your desired music files to the USB disk / SD
memory card direct from the computer then insert to player.
Important: When both SD card and / or the USB disk have inserted to device and the device is
connected to the computer by uses the USB cable; only a “Removable Driver” of SD card can be
detected and use for data transfer with the computer. Due to the same data pins are used as sharing
in-between the mini USB and the computer, the USB disk is cannot be detected and use for data
“Card/USB is pulled” message will show when you remove the SD memory card / USB disk
from player.
“Format Error” message may show when you insert the SD memory card / USB disk in not
good way or incorrectly. Take them out and plug them in again.
“No file in disk” message will show, if you do not put Micro SD memory card / USB disk into