Special Features
• Elegant appearance and easy to use.
• Multi-Code Player - Supporting MP1, MP2, MP3, WMA, formats.
• Driver Free U Disk - You may manage your files directly through
“Portable Device” in “My Computer” on Windows 2000 Operating
System or above without driver.
Brief View of Player
A. About player’s battery
Player has an internal, non–user-replaceable rechargeable
lithium battery. For best results, the first time you use the player, let
it charging for about 1 - 2 hours or until the charging LED lights go
Off before you use it.
Charging the Battery
You can charge the Player’s battery in two ways:
1. Connect player to your computer. Or,
2. Use the USB power charger. (available separately)
B. Insert Micro SD Memory Card
This device is design without an internal memory; put a Micro SD
memory card insert into the memory card slot before use the player.
• Plug in the Micro SD memory card into player card slot at side,
now you can use the player.
• You can upload your desired media files to the player, or, you can
upload your desired media files to the Micro SD memory Card
direct with your computer before insert it to the player.
• When you want to insert / remove the Micro SD memory card
from memory card slot. Make sure the player is in Off status.
Otherwise, the player functional may dead halt or the internal
data / files will be lost / damaged.
Note: The status indicator light will be flashing fast and then will go
Off, when you want to turn On the player. However, the player will